The Pathophysiology of Migrains And Tone Asymmetry.

The Pathophysiology of Migrains And Tone Asymmetry.

Migraines are a neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, with recurring episodes of severe headache accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. The causes of migraines are not fully understood, but recent research has found that neurological tone asymmetry may play a role in their pathophysiology.

Neurological tone asymmetry refers to an imbalance in the processing of sensory input between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The two hemispheres normally work together to process sensory information, but if there is an asymmetry in the processing, one hemisphere may receive a stronger signal than the other. This can lead to disturbances in the perception of sensory information, including pain.

Studies have found that people with migraines tend to have greater levels of neurological tone asymmetry than those without the condition. Specifically, individuals with migraines have a reduced ability to process sensory input related to low-frequency sounds, which has been linked to the generation of migraines.

This discovery has significant implications for the treatment of migraines. If neurological tone asymmetry does play a role in the pathophysiology of migraines, therapies that focus on balancing sensory processing between the two hemispheres of the brain could be effective in treating the condition. This could include techniques like neurofeedback, which aims to train the brain to balance its processing of sensory information. By reducing neurological tone asymmetry, such therapies could potentially reduce the severity and frequency of migraines, offering much-needed relief to those who suffer from this debilitating condition.

Have you considered visiting a Pulse Align clinic? Pulse Align is a natural, non-manipulative no pain approach to help your body return naturally to normal tone symmetry.


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